Artfire is based in the USA but it has many craft workers from all over the world. Within it people set up guilds which sellers can join, on the principle of rope-making: a single thread is weak but a bundle of threads interwoven forms a strong rope. I've joined two guilds, the Europe Artfire Guild and the SRAJD guild - the latter is material for another day. The Europe Artfire Guild is full of lively and extremely creative people from Holland, Sweden, Spain, Germany and of course Ireland.
I should mention (this is an added edit) that our guild master, Linda at Moonstone Creations, is based in Belgium. My list of countries was not intended to be exhaustive but it reads as if we had members only from the countries mentioned.
To help promote awareness of the fabulous offerings by European craft makers, and to assist with being found in web searches, we have set up a blog for the guild.
The stunning logo and banner were a joint effort. The final version, which brings together references to Europe and the creative purity and uniqueness of the unicorn, was made by an Irish designer and jewellery maker!
In fact, meeting other Irish makers online in this guild is one of the unlooked-for pleasures of being there. The banner designer, Gwen, lives in Wicklow, her shop is called Silver-Soul-Design . Her jewellery work is really lovely!
Another guild member from Dublin, Gillian, left a comment on my blog having found me via the European group. She has an amazing shop makes all sort of things with hearts, she sells heart and angel inspired gifts and supplies under the handle iheartcrafts; she has a really cool blog, fascinating to read.
On the guild blog, we publish an interview with an artisan member each Monday, with regular features such as crafty tips, city trivia, a look at crafters from an outsider perspective ("If only I could do that...), and it is a great way to see a range of stunning creations while supporting local (local at least in world terms)! Do visit and bookmark our blog, or become a follower so you can see the latest developments and creations.
great post !!! A definite must in your links ..the European blog !!!
ps: I'm from Belgium :)
Oops, Moonstone, that must be like saying I am from the UK! We do have Dutch members but of course our guild master is Belgian, so sorry to have overlooked that mention!
lol ..no problem...pretty soon we'll have so many countries we'll need to say " members from every European country " ..wouldn't that be great !!
Hi, there...Scotland calling.
I love the blog, Mary. I hope that readers will come over to visit us on the Europe Artfire Guild blog too. Lots more wonderful things and crafty tips there - and more from you, of course :)
And this is a member of the Irish contingent! :)
That is a great introduction to the Europe Artfire Guild and who we are!
Nice one Mary!
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